
A Review of COVID-19 Vaccine Use
and Adverse Effects in U.S. Commercial Airline Pilots

Safety Risks

78% of US Airline Pilots believe a significant safety risk exists.
Who is at fault?

While some airlines implemented mandates, others were mandated by the OSHA or Contractor provisions. The government mandates were overturned in court, yet a few carriers continued with private employer mandates. Meanwhile, many pilots blame their union, specifically the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) for not speaking out against the mandates. Over 80% of all U.S. Based airline, commercial, military, and corporate, respondents believe the FAA did not use due diligence in allowing vaccines without thorough testing.

Study Population

After culling the 1622 survey responses from pilots across all aviation sectors, the final sample includes 1132 responses from US Airline Pilots, as broken down below.

Cardiological Events

The pilots reporting cardiological events post-vaccination are spread across the airlines.

Cardiological Events Occurrence

Time to event varied by brand

Pilot Health Assessment Pre vs. Post Vaccine

Among those reporting Cardiological Events

Never Again

Based on the original study sample, 77% of US Commercial pilots say they will not get a booster.  Is the US facing a potential public health crisis?  It appears that the mandates and the subsequent adverse effects of the vaccines have caused pilots to lose faith in those who were charged with protecting them and the industry.


These are just a few of the data highlights.  The report contains many other significant findings.


Below are several recommendations explained in the text.